
Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Science Week

Last week was science week.  We made straw rockets and used air to power them. A planetarium was set up in the hall. It was amazing - the stars and constellations were projected onto the ceilings and walls. We learnt about the earth, our solar system and the moon, as well as about constellations and some of the myths surrounding them.

An astronomer visited the school and told us more about the planets, the sun and moon.  He brought his telescope which had special filters on so that we could look at the sun.  Unfortunately, it was cloudy all morning and the sun only came out for a little while during lunch so only a few of us got to see it through the telescope.


In class, we did some experiments. One was to investigate whether the size of the meteorite hitting the moon made a difference to the size of the crater created.  We used a tray with flour and a sprinkling of cocoa powder on top as the moon.  The meteorite was made from playdough.  We dropped it and then measured the size of the crater.  Does anyone remember what we found out? What was our conclusion?

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