
Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Egyptian Day

The children looked amazing, all dressed up for our Egyptian Day. We're looking forward to getting started on the topic!



Our first week back this half term was all about Diwali. We learnt about why the Hindus and Sikhs celebrate it.  We made our own diva lamps from clay and decorated them.  We designed mendi rangoli patterns.  We investigated lines of symmetry in rangoli patterns and drew our own outside on the ground as well as designing them on paper.  We made sweets and wrote poems. All in all an action packed week!

Sunday, 2 November 2014

First half-term

Last half-term, we weren't very good at keeping you updated but here are a few of our highlights.....
As part of our electricity topic, we made lots of circuits, making bulbs light and buzzers buzz. We constructed our own switches. We painted pictures and then added an electrical component with a switch - lighthouses that light up, houses with lights that turn on when you open the door, clowns with noses that light up etc.
Our switches were made from paper clips and pins or foil and wire.

We followed instructions to bake muffins and we made pizzas as part of a maths lesson. We drew charts showing the class's favourite pizza toppings and then made the pizzas.

Have a look at the amazing scarecrows we made for the harvest assembly.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Co-operative Art

The children have worked in groups to produce a piece of artwork.  Each child painted their own section but as a group, they worked together to ensure that the individual sections came together to make a complete piece of art. I think they did a fantastic job, don't you?

Welcome to the new class! 

Monday, 12 May 2014

Drumming Session

Topaz practised some drumming skills with Mrs Dennis last week. It sounded great!

Look at our Amazing Aliens

Homework over the Easter holidays was to create an alien. Leave a comment on your photo, telling me a little about your alien. We will use these aliens when we write our playscripts next week and then create animations of our scripts. If you haven't made an alien, comment on one of these, saying why you like it.

Fantastic Science Projects

Well done to all of you that spent time making a science project for the Science Fair.  We were very impressed!

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Science Week

Last week was science week.  We made straw rockets and used air to power them. A planetarium was set up in the hall. It was amazing - the stars and constellations were projected onto the ceilings and walls. We learnt about the earth, our solar system and the moon, as well as about constellations and some of the myths surrounding them.

An astronomer visited the school and told us more about the planets, the sun and moon.  He brought his telescope which had special filters on so that we could look at the sun.  Unfortunately, it was cloudy all morning and the sun only came out for a little while during lunch so only a few of us got to see it through the telescope.


In class, we did some experiments. One was to investigate whether the size of the meteorite hitting the moon made a difference to the size of the crater created.  We used a tray with flour and a sprinkling of cocoa powder on top as the moon.  The meteorite was made from playdough.  We dropped it and then measured the size of the crater.  Does anyone remember what we found out? What was our conclusion?

The Iron Man

As part of our Iron Man topic, we read the book and built our own Iron Man.

We also made collages out of nuts, bolts and scrap metal. 

We painted pictures and created our own menus for the iron giant. For starters we suggested things like delicious oily doorhandles smothered with yummy diesel sauce and springs drizzled in runny oil.  A typical main course could be scrumptious deep fried screws on a bed of rusty chains.  Then for dessert we had nuts and bolt cake with diesel on the side or aluminium cheesecake drizzled in oil. 

We then wrote our own adventure stories using some of the strategies we learnt from the book.

Monday, 5 May 2014


A belated congratulations to the Year 3/4 football team that did so well!!

Tuesday, 28 January 2014


Pixel the robot has a magnetic hand. We investigated
what things were magnetic (would be attracted to his
hand) and what wouldn't. We made posters using
Pic-collage on the ipads.



Monday, 6 January 2014